Adios Plastic Ltd

Adios Plastic Ltd
1. Easy peal sticker so the first bag doesn’t rip
2. Unique range of colourways and patterns
3. Thickest poo bags on the market
- B-corporations
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Producer A-Z
- -
- 7 ate 9
- Aagrah
- Acropolis
- Adios Plastic Ltd
- Adlington
- All Dressed Up
- All Things Butter
- Aluna Coconut
- Anna's
- Anthon Berg
- Aqua Carpatica
- Artisan Drinks
- Ask Mummy & Daddy
- Aspall
- Awfully Posh
- Baileys
- Bakedin
- Balsamico
- Banhoek Chilli Oil
- Barbers
- Bath Soft Cheese
- Be:Loved Pet Products
- Beanies Coffee
- Bear
- BEAR Fruit
- Beech's
- Belazu
- Belfine
- Belvoir
- Bensons Chilly Billy
- Berringa
- Bertagni
- Beviamo
- Billington's
- Billington's Gingerbread
- Billy Franks
- Bini
- Bio D
- Biomel
- Biona
- Biotiful Gut Health
- Black Bee Honey
- Black Liquorice Co.
- Blackthorn Salt
- Blanco Nino
- Bloody Drinks
- Bold Bean
- Bold Bean Co
- Bonds
- Booja
- Border Biscuits
- Borgo de Medici
- Borgo de' Medici
- Borough Broth
- Botham's of Whitby
- Bottle Up
- Bower Collective
- Bowser Leaf
- Braes o Gowrie
- Breeder Celect
- Brew Tea Co
- Brilliant Gin
- British Polo Gin
- Broken Clock Vodka
- Brown Bag Crisps
- Bruce
- Buderim Ginger
- Buiteman
- Burnside Brewery
- Buttermilk
- Buxton Pudding Company
- Cafe Pocco
- Cafedirect
- Cakesmiths
- Cambrook
- Camp
- Can Bech
- Canvino
- Cartmel
- Carton Water by Water Works
- Casa Firelli
- Casa Modena
- Casalinga
- Cavendish & Harvey
- Cawston Press
- Certo
- ChalkStream
- ChariTea
- Charlie & Ivy's
- Cheeky Nibble
- Cheesies
- Cheshire Cheese
- Chewdles
- Chiltern Cold Pressed
- Chimac
- Chimilove
- Chiostro di Saronno
- Chloes
- Choc on Choc
- Chococo
- Chocolate Craft
- Churchill's Confectionery
- Churchill's Confectionery Ltd
- Churchill's Confectionery Ltd.
- Clarence Court
- Clarks
- Clearspring
- Clotton Creamery
- Cobble Lane Cured
- COCO Chocolatier
- Coco Lopez
- Cocoa Loco
- Cocoba
- Coldpress
- Cole's Puddings
- Confiletas
- Conker Spirit
- Cooks & Co
- Coolmore
- Cornish Sea Salt
- Cotswold Fudge Co
- Cotswold Gold
- Cotswold Granaries
- Cotswold Meringues
- Cox&Co.
- Craft & Crumb
- Craft Gin
- Craft Your Own
- Crespo
- Cricket St Thomas
- Cropwell Bishop
- Crosta & Mollica
- Crumbs Brewing
- Curds & Croust
- Daioni
- Dalla Costa
- Dalston's
- Darrell Lea
- Dash Water
- Days Brewing
- Dean's
- Dell'Ugo
- Delphi Foods
- Denzel's
- devOATed
- Dewkes Snacks for Dogs
- Difatti
- Diforti
- Divine Chocolate
- Dodoni
- Doggy Baking Co
- Doisy & Dam
- Dot Dot Bubble Tea
- Double Dutch
- Double Dutch Drinks
- Doves Farm
- Dr Will's
- Drivers
- Drogheria & Alimentari
- DRTY Drinks
- Due Vittorie
- DukesHill
- Eager Drinks
- Easy Bean
- Eat 17
- Eat Real
- Eco Green Living
- ecoLiving
- Ecozone
- Edinburgh Gin
- Elegant & English
- Elizabeth Shaw
- Ella's Kitchen
- Emily Crisps
- Emily Seaweed
- English Cheesecake Company
- English Drinks Co, The
- English Tea Shop
- Esplosivo
- Everleaf
- Farmhouse Biscuits
- Fen Farm Dairy
- Fentimans
- Fever Tree
- FieldGoods
- Figsbury
- fiid
- Firefly
- Fish4ever
- Flawsome!
- Flax and Kale
- Flower & White
- FoieGood
- Folkington's
- Foraging Fox, The
- Ford Farm
- Forest Feast
- Foresta
- Forno Bonomi
- Franklin & Sons
- Freddie's Farm
- Free & Easy
- Freee
- Freestar
- Freja
- Friends
- Fruits of the Forage
- Furniss Love Cookies
- Future Candy
- Gadeschi
- Galipette
- Garofalo
- Geo Watkins
- Glebe Farm
- Glenilen Farm
- Gnaw Chocolate
- Goats of the Gorge
- Golden Hooves
- Good & Proper Tea
- Good Phats
- Goodchap's
- Gordon Rhodes
- Gran Luchito
- Grandma Wild's
- Grate Britain
- Graze
- Green Cuisine
- Greens & Greetings
- Greens Glastonbury
- Grey Poupon
- Gusto Organic
- Gusto Organic Ltd
- Gymkhana
- H!P Chocolate
- Hackney Gelato
- Hadji Bay
- Hampshire Cheese Co
- Hansel
- HAPPi Choc
- Harris and James
- Harrogate Spring Water
- Harrogate Water
- Harry Brompton's London Ice Tea
- Hasslacher’s
- Hattiers Rum
- Hawkshead Relish
- Hazer Baba
- Hebridean Baker
- Hedgepig
- Hedonist Bakery
- Henderson's Relish
- Herby Hog
- Higgidy
- Hilltop Honey
- Hippeas
- Hitzkopf
- Hive Mind
- Hodmedod's
- Holdsworth
- Holdsworth Chocolates
- Holmes Bakery
- Holy Cow!
- Honeyrose
- Hoopers
- HOP'T Sauce
- Howdah
- Hullabaloos Drinks
- Imaginative Cuisine
- Ines Rosales
- Infinity Brands
- Isigny St Mere
- Island Bakery
- It's Soya Good by Organico
- James White
- JD’s Hot Honey Ltd
- Jealous Sweets
- Jelly Belly
- Jimmy's Iced Coffee
- Jo Deakin
- Joe & Seph's
- Joe Tea
- Joypots
- Jude's
- Jude's Ice Cream
- Julie Dodsworth
- Kabuto
- Kabuto Noodles
- Kallo
- Karine & Jeff
- Kent & Fraser
- Keto Hana
- Kikkoman
- kin + deum
- Kin Vodka
- Kind Bag
- Kinda Co
- Kirkjuvagr
- Klepper & Klepper
- Kooky
- Kopernik
- Kuhne
- LA Brewery
- La Mare Wine Estate
- La Perruche
- Labre's Hope
- Laithwaites
- Lakeland Artisan
- Lakes Distillery, The
- Lambertz
- Laughing Dog
- Laura's Confectionery
- Laura's Confectionery Ltd
- Lava Cheese
- Leksands
- Lemonaid
- Leone
- Lily O'Brien's
- Lir Chocolate
- Little Beast
- Little Beau Sheep
- Little Pasta Organics
- Little Pod
- Little Soap Company
- Little's
- Little's Coffee
- LittlePod
- Living Things Soda
- Loacker
- LoneWolf
- Long Tail
- Longman
- LoSalt
- Lost Sheep Coffee
- Lottie Shaw's
- Lotus
- Love Cocoa
- Love Corn
- Love Sum Dumplings
- Lucky Saint
- Lucy Bee
- Lucy's Dressings
- Lumberjaxe
- Luscombe Drinks
- Lyme Bay Winery
- Maclean's Highland Bakery
- Macneil's Smokehouse
- Made For Drink
- Maison De Florentins
- Malaco
- Mallow & Marsh
- Mama Buci
- Mamma Emma
- ManiLife
- Manomasa
- Marabissi
- Marleybones
- Marshfield Farm Ice Cream
- Mary Berry's
- Mash Direct
- Mattarello
- Mauri
- Mazzetti
- Medical Supermarket
- Mellow Yellow
- Mermaid
- Mighty Fine
- Miller's
- Miller's Baker & Barista
- Miller's Elements
- Miniml
- Miss American Pie
- Mister Free'd
- MOMO Kombucha
- Mondovino
- Monin
- Montezuma's
- Montezuma's Chocolates
- Monty Bojangles
- Mother Root
- Motif
- Mr Filbert's
- Mr Fitzpatrick's
- Mr Men, Little Miss
- Mr Organic
- Mr Stanley's
- Mr Trotter's
- Mrs Crimbles
- Mrs Tilly's
- Muraglia
- Mutti
- My Favourite Bear
- Mydflower
- N & D Walsh
- Naksha
- Nando's
- Native Snacks
- Natural & Noble
- Natural Candy Shop
- Neat
- Nettlebed Creamery
- Nevis
- Nice
- Nice Rice
- No Fairytales
- Nojo
- NOJO x holy carrot
- Northern Pasta Co.
- Noveltea
- Nudie
- Oat Avenue
- Odysea
- Old Hamlet Wine & Spice
- Old Hardisty
- Olina's Bakehouse
- OLLY's
- Ombar
- OMGTea
- One Water
- Only
- Opies
- Orexis
- Organico
- Organics
- Original Biscuit Bakers
- Orkney Bakery
- Oryx Desert Salt
- Pact Coffee
- Paddington Bear
- Panificio Bo
- Parmareggio
- Pate Pour Vous
- Patteson's Original
- Patum Peperium
- Pea Green Boat
- Peace &
- Pegoty Hedge
- Pelagonia
- Pennington's Spirits
- Peppersmith
- Percy's
- PerfectTed
- Perry Court Farm
- Perry's Cider
- Persis
- Pertzborn
- Peter's Yard
- Petits Grecs
- Pimlico
- Pink Salt Shed
- Pinkster
- Pip & Nut
- PIP Organic
- Pipers
- Plamil
- Popcorn Kitchen
- Popcorn Shed
- Porter
- Pots & Co
- Potts
- Potts'
- Powerbeärs
- Pretzel Pete
- Primrose's Kitchen
- Prodigy
- Proper
- Proper Nutty
- Pukka
- Pulp
- Pureety
- Qcumber
- Quaranta
- Ramus Fresh
- Random Harvest
- Raspberry Blossom
- Rayners
- RBG Kew Preserves
- Re:Nourish
- Rebel Kitchen
- Remedy
- Renegade Brewery
- Revibed Drinks
- Rhythm 108
- Ridgeway Brewing
- Rivoltini
- RJ's Licorice
- Roastworks Coffee Co.
- Rocky Mountain
- Rodda's
- Rogue
- Ross & Ross Gifts
- Rubies in the Rubble
- Rude Health
- Rustle Snacks
- Sauce Shop
- Savoursmiths
- Savyll
- Scoop's Ice Cream for Dogs
- Scrumbles
- Scrumshus
- Seafood & Eat it
- Seedball
- Seep
- Seep Living
- Selsley
- Serious Pig
- Shaken Udder
- Shaken Udder Ltd
- Shandy Shack
- Shipton Mill
- Shortbread House of Edinburgh Ltd
- Silver Crane
- Silver Spoon
- Simon Weaver
- Simply Delicious Cake Co
- Single Variety
- Single Variety Co
- Sipsmith
- Slabs Crisps
- Slattery
- Sloane's Hot Chocolate
- Smith & Lewis
- Smith & Sinclair
- Snowdonia
- Socado
- Soda Folk
- Soffle's
- Some Grub
- Sorini
- Specialite Locale
- Spencerfield
- Spice Kitchen
- Spice Pots
- Spicentice
- Spooners
- Spruce
- Squeaky Bean
- Stackable Pancake Co.
- Stag Bakeries
- Steenland
- Stockan's Oatcakes
- Stockleys
- Stokes
- Stone Daisy
- Strong Roots
- Sublime Butter
- Summerdown
- Summerdown Mint
- Sunita
- Sunrise Patisserie
- Superfoodio
- Supper Club
- Surreal
- Sweet FA Gluten Free
- SweetDoughThings
- Sweets in the City
- Taste of Game
- Taylor & Colledge
- Taylors
- Teapigs
- Teoni's
- Thanks Plants
- The Barking Bakery
- The Berry Juice Company
- The Bottled Baking Co
- The Brandy Snap Co
- The Cheeky Panda
- The Cocoabean Company
- The Coconut Collaborative
- The Collective
- The Coolives
- The Craft Gin Club
- The Curators
- The Curry Sauce Co
- The Drinks Bakery
- The Farmers Son
- The Fresh Fish Shop
- The Fresh Pasta Company
- The Garlic Farm
- The Good Zest Company
- The Great Australian Licorice Company
- The Great British Porridge Co
- The Jerk House
- The Mallows
- The Original Baker
- The Original Black Garlic
- The Original Cake Company
- The Original Chicken Crackling
- The Originial Cake Company
- The Patisserie Box
- The Pilchard Works
- The Recycled Candle Company
- The Snaffling Pig
- The Spice Sultan
- The Treat Kitchen
- The Uncommon
- The Yorkshire Pasta Company
- Thomas Fudges
- Three Mills
- Thursday Cottage
- Tideford Organics
- Tims Dairy
- Tiptree
- Tony's Chocolonely
- Torres
- Trash & Treasure
- Tregroes Waffles
- Trip
- TrueStart Coffee
- TruffleHunter
- Trustin
- Tuk Tuk Club
- Turtle
- Twistea
- Two By Two
- Two Farmers
- TyNant
- Uncle Joe's Mint Balls
- Unearthed
- Union
- Unpackaged
- UP
- Urban Fruit
- Vadasz
- Van Strien
- Vecchio Mulino
- Vent for Change
- Very Lazy
- Vet's Kitchen
- Village Maid
- Vitacore
- Vivani
- Von Der Heide
- Walkers Nonsuch
- Walkers Nonsuch Limited
- Walkers Shortbread
- Wally and Whiz
- Warner's Distillery
- Wash With Leaf
- Welshhomestead Smokery
- Wessex Mill
- What a Date®
- Whisky Sauce Co
- Whitakers
- White Heron
- White Lake
- White Mausu
- Who Gives a Crap
- Wholey Moly
- Wild Island Ltd
- Wild Thingz
- Wildflower Wishes
- Wildlife World
- Williams Handbaked
- Williamson Tea
- Willie's Cacao
- Willys ACV
- Wilton London
- Wilton London Ltd
- Woolf's Kitchen
- World of Zing
- Wye Valley Meadery
- Xochitl
- Yeo Valley
- Yummycomb
- Zaini
- ZaraMama
- Zaytoun