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Just small words of thanks on a regular basis can make a huge difference.
Please join us to be part of our first B-social Event.
Momentum for reinventing UK business grows as 20 CEOs and founders become trustees or ambassadors of the UK B Corporation movement.
I have been thinking recently about how the industry has changed in the last 20 years, some positive and some maybe less so.
A move back to direct supply away from wholesale supply might seem like a good move to some, but our children and grandchildren won’t thank you for contributing further to climate breakdown.
The grass is as green as you make it on your side.
Paul asks you to join him and let work become fun and not feel like work at all.
Pollinating and learning from other businesses is key for anyone in any business.
Cotswold Fayre select ClimateCare to offset its carbon emissions with projects that improve lives and fight climate change.