Paul Hargreaves: Appreciation
I went to a performance in London’s West End this weekend and talking afterwards we were reflecting on what an unusual job it is being a stage actor. Strange hours, spending hours each day being made up and hours of practice doing what they are paid for. One thing, however, they don’t miss out on though is appreciation. Every evening these professionals enjoy several standing ovations and several minutes of load appreciation.
This started me thinking about how much appreciation other people receive in their roles. The answer is probably not enough. I know I am not as good as I should be in expressing my appreciation of those that work for me. I am trying to become better, but as I don’t need appreciation myself, like many entrepreneurs, I assume others are the same as me. They are not, and bosses need to learn more of the art of appreciation.
Just small words of thanks on a regular basis can make a huge difference as can written notes or cards, which are a rare event these days. I received a postcard of thanks the other day from someone I met in September at a conference. A lovely note and so unusual it made my day and made me resolve to do the same myself more often.
Feeling appreciated by your boss always comes out very high in surveys of employee’s happiness, sometimes, amazingly, higher than financial remuneration, but no doubt that money is still important. At Cotswold Fayre, we have a profit-share scheme that ensures complete engagement from the team and complete openness from the management team on exactly how much profit we make as a company. They know at the end of each month which level we are tracking against for the end of the year pay-out. This is one way we show appreciation but isn’t a substitute for living your work life in a thankful way.
Why don’t you this week just try to say thank you a few more times than normal.