COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Company Update
Dear Customers,
It’s a challenging time for all businesses and Cotswold Fayre has seen unprecedented demand for our products, up to 300% increase on certain lines.
Our main priority remains our service to our customers and the safety and security of our people and your people.
We realise that independent, local retailers are providing a vital service to many of the more vulnerable in society and we want to support you in supporting them. In fact, we have heard many heart-warming stories of retailers going the second mile to support the elderly and weak and we love what you are doing.
There are a few processes that we are changing until circumstances change back to normal:
- Stopping visitors to the office, moving face-to-face meetings to video calls.
- Increasing the number of hand sanitisers and cleaning products throughout the office and encouraging staff to clean their working spaces regularly.
- We continue to proactively replenish stock of those essential, high demand items and seek alternatives if necessary.
- Where possible, the Cotswold Fayre team is working from home. This also goes for our logistics partner GEODIS UK. Normal service as far as receiving orders via phone, e-mail and web.
- We would encourage you to place orders on-line wherever possible and this enables you to see “live-stock” on the web-site.
- The warehouse team are having supervised hand-washing, in particular at the start and finish of every shift. All those working in the warehouse are also wearing disposable gloves that are frequently changed.
- The warehouse shifts have been separated, to keep staff at a safe distance from one another and they have been trained to handle each order from start to finish; from picking to quality checking, before despatch.
- The delivery team are equipped to provide hygienic and safe delivery. Your order will be delivered to the threshold, not over/passed the threshold. And if you would prefer a contact-free delivery or would rather not sign the digital POD, a name and photograph of the delivery will be taken.
As a food wholesaler, we do not expect to close during this pandemic, most of our suppliers are calling us to reassure us of normal service and we realise that keeping the food supplies rolling is essential to the nation coming through this crisis.
Our thoughts are with you all, particularly those affected by the Coronavirus. Cotswold Fayre is full of resilient, committed people who will get the job done and keep a smile on their faces as well as yours.
Do use this time to offer kindness and support to those in need.
Stay safe everyone.
Best Regards,
Ashton, Dave, Lisa, Paul & Rose
Cotswold Fayre Management Team